The technology that we have today has influenced many aspects of our lives. Many things can now be done easily online without the need to leave the...
If you’re in a relationship, then you know it isn’t easy to deal with your partner’s physical absence for long periods of time and it takes...
Meeting new people and setting up potential dates have never been easier in this day and age, but not everyone you meet online is a cool...
We all love a good romantic story about couples who got their happy ending. However, sometimes things just don’t go the way we want them to....
Ever wonder how men in more than one marriage find their other wives? Well, you’d be surprised to know that many of them go online for...
We all know the world of dating has dramatically changed since apps like Tinder came onto the scene. Tinder has definitely had tonnes of success stories...
It is so easy to destroy someone’s reputation these days. One viral Facebook post and the world will know the person for being that a**hole who...
You know how they say “there are no strangers here, only friends that you haven’t meet yet?” And our friends are people who generally share the same interests as...
It’s true what they say, “never judge a book by its cover”, as proven by this Tinder user who has a meltdown after he got “ignored”....
A man, Pablo Putera Benua (Indonesians have the best names, man) was going through Tinder when he matched with TV presenter-cum-comedian Rey Utami. According to Rey,...
Ever since he has beaten the man with 23 Olympic gold medals, Singapore-born Joseph Schooling is undoubtedly the ‘Golden Boy’ of Singapore and the ‘Man of the...
They have done it for social media site Facebook, app game Angry Birds, and now it’s only right that dating app Tinder gets their turn on...
Tinder’s never an app short of a few crazy stories to tell. The dating app has had a few interesting yet somewhat insane experiences such as...
What seemed to be a normal conversation on Tinder turned sour for a lady after she denied going out with the man. Imgur user Msmessyclean posted screenshots...
Tinder, the app that allows us to look for companionship provides us the opportunity to talk to people of the opposite sex (or same, we don’t...
*Image credit to Ahhh.. The infamous Tinder. Why is it infamous? Well it’s only obvious. Yet most of us use it to find that companionship we...