Just last month, the perpetrators that caused the death of Zulfarhan Osman, a young Marine Cadet Officer were found guilty and sentenced to prison. Unfortunately, the...
Recently, 1 December, a 16-year-old Malaysian passed away from a heart attack after visiting a ‘haunted house’ attraction in Bentong. According to Utusan Malaysia, the teenager...
On 9 November, we reported about an underprivileged paralysed teen from Kampung Bakar Bata in Perak who’s only wish before she died is to ride on a...
A hawker was sentenced to 15 years in prison and 10 lashes at the Sessions Court in Kota Bharu, Kelantan, for raping his disabled 16-year-old child....
Recently, a 12-year-old boy fainted in the car park of a vaccination centre (PPV) in Melaka after receiving his Covid-19 vaccine leading to much speculation. But...
The Minister of Health, YB Khairy Jamaluddin informed that the period between the first and second doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine will be accelerated to six...
This applies to users in China who are 14 years old and below. China’s TikTok platform Douyin recently announced its increased youth protection, where users aged...
Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia (KKM) has announced that three million teenagers in the country will receive their Covid-19 vaccine before the 2022 school session begins. Health Minister...
The issue of child marriage is one that is largely debated even today. On 4 August, a woman named Lia shared her experience of being in...
Watching TV shows during our pastime is something that is enjoyed universally and it is also a big part of everyone’s childhood. In fact, for some...
How…did NOBODY notice this? Malaysians are undoubtedly excited to get vaccinated and with more people registering to be cucuked each day, there’s bound to be some...
A girl aged around 12 to 13 years old beat up her classmate as she was jealous of the victim’s relationship with her adopted brother. The...
A 54-year-old mother suspected that her 16-year-old disabled daughter was kidnapped by an elderly man after the girl was seen boarding his vehicle at Bandar Country...
Our heart goes out to this teen who never once thought of giving up despite his struggles. Everyone bears the consequences of the pandemic differently. While...
A woman who is the mother of a 13-year-old daughter was shocked to find her child had given birth to a baby girl at their home...
Who can say that they didn’t do dumb things when they were teens? Recently, a teenage girl in Indonesia went viral after a video showing her...