Recently, a man’s plan to steal from a house was foiled when the home owner’s fierce Rottweiler charged towards the thief. The incident took place around 10pm...
Parking in Malaysia can be a pretty difficult task. Sometimes we end up searching for one bloody parking space for half an hour and to no...
Malaysians love to show the ‘peace’ sign when posing for pictures. But they didn’t know that their fingerprints can be easily stolen from the pictures by...
January is definitely a year our Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is making waves this early into the new year as he wants all government...
A phone thief in China learnt it the hard way when his victim executed a flying kick which knocked him off his moving scooter. The driver, named...
Robberies and snatch thefts are becoming quite rampant in Malaysia in recent times. And Malaysians have had enough! Just recently, four robbers learnt not to mess...
A farmer and two of his friends from Port Dickson had no choice but to build their own ‘mini blockade’ on Sunday to prevent thieves from...
Crime in Malaysia is seriously off the charts. One minute you’re reading about a snatch theft case, next second you hear about a fatal shooting case. We’re...
Hello Police? I’d like to report a case of daylight boob-ery! Not too long ago, a few gals were caught on CCTV stealing cosmetics and other feminine...
To quote Straits Times who first reported this, “When life gives you oranges, don’t spill them along a highway in China.” The driver and his nephew...
Thieves these days are becoming bolder, even carrying out criminal acts in broad daylight. Just yesterday, the infuriated book store owner named Anthony shared the outrageous...
Making a strong case against cultural relativism, they have been taped snatching baby sea urchins just because they can. In beautiful Cinque Terre in northern Italy,...
Tang Chook Shien went to the CIMB branch in Bandar Utama to use the cash deposit machine, when he noticed a wallet on the machine. The 26-year old...
China is at it again! Wait, is that good or bad? Some mainland Chinese tourists are really making a reputation for themselves and here’s the most recent...
EVERYONE is on social media. That’s just how we get connected. But the thing with the internet is, you no longer have privacy the moment you post...
Asian efficiency is through the roof isn’t it? China is notorious for being the hugest copycat in the world and the startup scene is now shaken as Chinese...