Despite a serious pandemic at hand, foolish people on the Intenet have not reduced their strides. Some people, not realising the severity of the situation make...
Since the controlled movement order, Malaysian citizens have gone on an all time panic buying spree for fear of leaving their homes, hoarding supplies for the...
There are so many endangered wildlife out there as deforestation and poaching get more and more widespread these days. Recently, the production team of Taiwan EBC...
Ever since the Coronavirus outbreak, scientists have been raking their brains and injecting monkeys in order to find a permanent solution to the disease. China, on...
You’d think that the outbreak of the coronavirus would teach some people about hygiene and also what should and shouldn’t be eaten right? Well, apparently not!...
Bats are capable of living comfortably with a host of viruses, and recent outbreaks of diseases have been linked to them, specifically SARS, MERS and now...
Just as Malaysians across the nation have strapped on their face masks and started practising obsessive cleaning and hygiene habits to keep the Wuhan novel coronavirus...
For the past month, researchers had been working hard on finding out the source of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV). It was first said to have originated...
Now that the Wuhan virus outbreak has been zeroed in on animal-to-human transmission, it comes to no surprise at all that many of the preliminary suspects...
When most of us want to lose weight, we stick to our leafy greens, but can grease and salt give you the same effects you’re looking...
Hotpot meals have become quite a popular choice among Malaysians nowadays and some of us really do enjoy being able to cook our own food. But...
Environmentalists are not asking for much. They’re not asking us to immediately become vegetarian, all they want is for us to watch what we eat and...
The Malaysian fascination with South Korea has led to crowds of us visiting the country, and one of the most popular destinations is the famous street...
While many of us would ideally wish to shed some weight and adopt a healthier lifestyle, only a select few possess the dedication and discipline to...
First, our country voted AGAINST protecting shark species that are at risk of extinction. Now, we’re the second largest importer of shark fins! According to Malaysiakini,...
Chicken is the most common meat you can find in a dish and it is deemed one of the healthier meat options when a person wants...