A couple of months back, the Malaysian historical epic Mat Kilau made headlines when it became the first local movie to reach an all-time high, grossing...
The Idol is HBO’s newest original series, created by Abel Tesfaye (The Weeknd) and Euphoria’s Sam Levinson. The ending of the HBO hit series, Euphoria left many fans with...
It’s pretty much the norm in Malaysia that every cultural festival konfem got heartwarming advertisements and short films to celebrate the occasion. However, PETRONAS has been...
Amber Heard is not the only celebrity that’s making headlines in Hollywood at the moment. Ezra Miller, who plays Credence in the Fantastic Beast film series...
It was recently announced that Marvel’s Thor: Love and Thunder will not be released in Malaysia at all, after the movie was postponed ‘indefinitely’. Many Malaysians,...
Previously, it was announced that the release of Marvel blockbuster Thor: Love and Thunder in Malaysian cinemas was postponed indefinitely which prompted Malaysians to flock to...
Some of Hollywood’s big-budget movies, especially Marvel movies involve a lot of visual effects (VFX) to make the important scenes more appealing. VFX has undeniably spruced...
The San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) that took place from July 21 till July 24 had a lot of surprises in store for the fans, especially in...
Malaysians have kind of lost hope since Thor: Love and Thunder was postponed “indefinitely” in the country. Today (24 July 2022), Marvel Entertainment announced the new...
This is honestly such a smart move! Thor: Love and Thunder, a movie that Marvel fans look forward to, has been postponed “indefinitely” by Walt Disney...
Although politicians and MPs are often busy attending to matters dealing with their country and constituency, they can sometimes crossover into different fields. An example is...
Following the success of Dr Strange in The Multiverse of Madness, Thor: Love and Thunder became the next anticipated movie, especially for Marvel fans. To their...
Just over an hour ago, GSC and TGV has both released a statement on their Facebook page mentioning that the movie Thor: Love and Thunder will...
Now, we all know that not everyone is a fan of durians, especially in the Western world. Well, it turns out that one white guy really...
It has become a norm for a number of cinema patrons to ‘announce’ what they’re watching by uploading bits of the movie on their social media...
While the world is happy about Johnny Depp’s victory in his defamation trial against his ex-wife, Amber Heard, most fans are devastated that the actor may...