When we’re determined, we’d go to great lengths to achieve something. That’s one thing great with us humans. Unfortunately, this guy’s determination was strong – but...
What is a tahfiz school? A tahfiz school is an institute where Muslim students go to study the Al-Quran. It’s a religious and wholesome place. But...
When we think of what to get for our mother’s birthdays, we would normally think of jewellery, flowers, a fancy dinner – you know, the whole...
If you have a little one who loves sleeping with the lights on then make sure you turn them off! A seven-year-old girl from Ningbo, Zhejiang...
If you are feeling unwell then it’s best to get yourself to a doctor to get a proper medical opinion. A man known by his surname,...
You might think that if you’ve wronged an animal, they would forgive and forget but not in the case of this murder of crows. FYI, a...
This woman truly deserves the “Best Wife of the Year” title for not giving up on her husband who had gone into a coma for five...
Wow, this man is really lucky! Most of us can only dream about winning the lottery so that we can stop working but this man managed...
The road to getting a boyfriend or girlfriend is not as easy as some may think and sometimes, it can be fraught with obstacles. For this...
Well, isn’t this interesting! The Star reported that Malaysia’s population of men has surpassed the population of women in the first quarter of 2019. According to...
Be honest, how many of us are able to afford a BMW sedan at this point in our lives? In fact, most of us are still...
Earlier in March, many people, mainly children, suffered chemical poisoning symptoms after harmful waste was illegally dumped into the Kim Kim River in Johor. Now, another...
This young boy is definitely someone who goes above and beyond for his friends! A disabled boy was able to go to school for 6 years...
Uh-oh, this looks like more bad news for degree holders! Bank Negara Malaysia recently published its Annual Report 2018 and they stated that fresh graduates with...
We have all probably been guilty of using cotton buds to clean our ears at some point and if you are one of them then you...
A good cup of coffee is essential for many people especially in the morning, when it feels like you’re half awake and need that jolt of...