Be careful about what you’re selling online! A shop that has been selling fake branded bags using Facebook and Instagram Live has been caught by the...
“Speed fast until niama (your mother) can’t recognize!” With all the scamming news going on lately that’s educating the public on the methods often used to...
When was the last time you checked to see if the change you received from the cashier was real or fake? Some would if there were...
In this generation, it’s almost instinctive to post everything you do, eat, or wear on social media – be it Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. However, this...
Never mess with our love for Durians! >:( Recently, netizen Chris Goh took to Facebook sharing a video shot by a DBKL officer showing how Durian...
Remember when there was news of unclaimed parcels from DHL being sold at bazaars and people were outraged by this? It looks like this new “business...
Buying things online always comes with the risk of receiving damaged packages or wrong items, and sometimes the package might not even arrive at all. This...
Just recently, a phone shop owner shared on Facebook about how a shabbily dressed man bought a smartphone with cash. What’s more impressive was – the...
Some individuals steal because they do not have the means to purchase items. Some steal for the thrill. One netizen took to Twitter to share his...
When seeking repair services, it is always handy to have at least some basic knowledge to avoid being conned by businesses trying to make a quick...
Waiting for your parcel or online shopping loot to arrive feels like it takes forever as we’re just so impatient to get our hands on the...
While her peers were having the time of their life during the school holidays, this girl was busy making money by doing what she does best...
“Item just got shipped two minutes ago? Going to start tracking it now,” that’s probably how impatient some of us are when it comes to online...
The phrase ‘the customer is always right’ might seem to be the golden rule in business but sometimes, you wonder if this is true. Some go...
You may want to watch out for this hawker if you like eating Taufu Fah in Sunway! According to The Star, a Taufu Fah seller in...
The implementation of the Sales and Services Tax (SST) is all every netizen is talking about now on social media. Understandably, many were upset after being...