Stealing is bad (not to mention illegal) but doing it in front of your very own impressionable young kids is definitely a big no-no! A netizen...
For the past decade, children in primary school have had to face more and more challenging questions in their exercise books and exams. Some were so...
Babies are cute, especially those who are slightly chubs with puffy cheeks. *squish* Every move they make just seems so adorable and melts our heart, but...
Recently, there was a case involving a headmistress who tied up and gagged a 5-year-old student. Following this case, we’ve published an article dated 15th November...
Sometimes, when students misbehave in class, it’s natural for teachers to discipline them. Of course, there’s a fine line between discipline and abuse. Unfortunately, a headmistress...
These parents have just taken the definition of ‘kiasu’ to a whole new level! A two-and-a-half year old toddler recently started losing hair after he was...
Taking flights to cross borders may be the most convenient mode of transport but sometimes they can get rather tiring. That’s why we should all be...
This is so sad! Earlier last month on 10th Ocotber, a concerned father brought his son to a hospital in Guangdong, China, after noticing that the...
Being a freshman in college or uni is a huge first step for many of us. It’s like entering a brand new world. We’re unsure about...
As we roll closer to 2020, the world is becoming much more open to seeing couples of different races. The rate of discrimination against a single...
One of the best things in Asian culture is how we value our parents a lot. Even when we’re already in our late 20s and have...
Hands down, this is the easiest investment you can do for your (future) children! Did you know that all babies born in Selangor are eligible to...
The Community Service Division of the Melaka State Government has spent more than RM10,000 just to do a mass cleanup, fixing, and giving a new face...
Good quality education is important for anyone who aims for a brighter future. Even if it means sacrificing all sorts of things. For this family in...
For most of us, we are lucky enough to grow up with our biological parents when we were born but this young man was abandoned at...
Being a domestic helper in a foreign country is no easy task but just like any other job, all you need is a good employer who...