Meet Mr. and Mrs. Kuroki, an elderly couple who spent practically their entire lives together after being married since 1956. The two raised two children and lived as dairy farmers...
Always wanted to travel the world but always didn’t think you had the money? Well these young couples proved travelling on a super budget to be...
Featured image source: Dan Shan We converse every day. From small talk, to intellectual discussions, to even gossip and nonsensical talks. Whatever we decide to chat...
Image source: OHBULAN! There are many creative ways for couples to spice it up, even if it were a little quirky. The current trend in Asia, or...
Created by the young and very talented artist Philippa Rice from England, these illustrations can’t help but make you go “awww”. Rice is the author of...
A guy in China decided to propose to his college girlfriend and thought up a really creative and balling way to do it. 11 fleet of...
15 JULY – A video was shot from Sinsuran on an ongoing fight between a couple. Apparently these were two very young couple with the husband...
Travis and Kristie are getting married in a month when they took up a challenge for The Cut’s “100 Years of Beauty” series. They had makeup...
“Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud…” etc etc. These were from 1 Corinthian 13:4-8,...
There isn’t a lot of local music that is aired on the radio, nor a platform for people to discover them. The music scene in Malaysia...
How does one fall in love? Is it the way that someone smiles at us, or they way they look into your eyes? The first impression...