Enako, a cosplayer from Japan, recently appeared on the Japanese talk show Nakai no Mado. During the show, she revealed the amount of money she makes which sent everybody’s...
Datin Paduka Seri Hajjah Rosmah Mansor is firstly and publicly known as the wife to our current cum beloved prime minister, Dato’ Sri Haji Mohammad Najib...
We tend to overlook the power of public transport beyond that of just getting us from one point to another. A train ride can often be more...
For most of us layman, it’s probably one of those rare times we hear of the superbug in passing. A superbug is basically a bacteria that...
Cars are Malaysians’ go-to mode of transportation, especially when our public transport is not super reliable yet. Yes I’m looking at you RapidKL. However, even with all the safety...
Just like men need their eye candy, so do we ladies! Forget Hugh Jackman, Ryan Gosling, Bradley Cooper, etc – we’ve got something waayyyy better that would...
No alcoholic can drink on Earth has gained such notoriety as Four Loko. The drink used to be all the rage in the USA, and locally...
With a staggering population of over a billion people, you’d probably be surprised to find out that all 18 sperm banks in China are reportedly to be...
Bangkok’s little known world of desserts is quietly taking the foodie storm by the shoulders, and for a good reason – just when you thought the city...
If this isn’t one of those horror stories they tell you at Sex Ed classes. A young Vietnamese couple who decided to have sex for the...