Acupuncture and similar treatments have been around for decades, which is fine, as long as the place is legit and the treatment is done by professionals....
Many of us have the habit of keeping leftovers after a meal and this is fine, especially if you store them properly. However, if it isn’t...
Whether if you’re a dog owner or not, if you love dogs, you’d most likely welcome dogs to lick you. A healthy 63-year-old dog owner from...
Prawns and other seafood have always been popular and a lot of it doesn’t come cheap either. However, if you’re preparing the seafood yourself, do make...
A 69-year-old man from China had to undergo surgery to remove 47 plastic tubes that he had inserted into his urethra. According to China Press, the...
A two-year-old boy’s brain was impaled by a sharp wooden stick when he accidentally fell on it while eating a sausage. According to Oriental Daily, the...
Mosquito bites are irritating and annoying but generally, it’s quite a normal occurrence. However, this 67-year-old man almost died after a perfectly normal mosquito bite went...
An old Shih Tzu was found tied to SPCA’s fence at Sungei Tengah Road in Singapore. The incident happened back in April 2019 where the poor...
If you love eating pork liver, you might want to think twice before eating it as you could be at risk of contracting Hepatitis E (HEV),...
OUCH! A 21-year-old guy from Mendoza, Argentina, wanted to remove a tattoo from his arm, so he actually used a cheese grater to scrape the ink...
A 69-year-old man from Hunan Province, China found out that his abdomen pain was caused by a toothpick in his stomach that had poked two holes...
Taking care of your oral health no matter how old you are is really important and for children who don’t know better, they simply love to...
Most of us feed stray dogs or cats with our leftovers and when we don’t see the usual pack, we start to wonder where they are....
A grandmother from Tennessee, US almost lost her whole arm after flesh-eating bacteria entered her thumb while she was getting a manicure at a beauty salon....
Having less than perfect eyesight can be rather troublesome especially when you’re going for a holiday and 20-year-old student, Miyako Aiko-Murray knows this very well. The...
Oh, this doesn’t look good! A man from the South Pacific islands injected Vaseline – which the main ingredient is petroleum jelly – into his penis...