Finances are a tricky subject to tackle with your significant other as each couple has their own way of handling their money. Contrary to popular belief,...
I guess this guy really isn’t afraid of getting arrested! It was just last Saturday (4 May) that a guy, who wishes to be identified as...
According to the Malay Mail, Home Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin stated that the government would not remove religious status from being printed on the MyKad...
Take note, parents! Beginning 1st of April 2019, you can now check out a new child sexual offenders registry to see whether the person you hired...
It’s important to change the addresses on your official documents if you happen to move to another residence and this can be done easily at the...
Everybody loves going on holidays. However, the bliss and excitement of a trip can be easily ruined by several factors like losing our valuable belongings. Unfortunately,...
Have you ever confused people about your gender because of how you look? Well, this Malaysian guy has, on more than one occasion too, because of...
This is why it’s important to keep personal banking and identity details to yourself! A chef in Raub, Pahang is now being targeted by loan sharks...
A total of 57,191 foreigners have reportedly received Malaysian citizenship in the past 10 years, from 2008 to 30 September 2018. Deputy Home Minister Azis Jamman...
Have you ever wondered what the prime minister’s residence in Putrajaya looks like inside? Well, this is your opportunity to find out because the PM’s official residence...
It seems that these scammers just won’t give up and every day, they try to come up with new schemes just to cheat us out of...
Honesty is the best policy and this story just proves that we should always tell the truth! A woman in Sandakan recently lost her MyKad and...
It looks like many Malaysians have not been very good at keeping their identity cards safe. This is because a recent report revealed that the number...
The implementation of the Sales and Services Tax (SST) is all every netizen is talking about now on social media. Understandably, many were upset after being...
All forms of discrimination are not acceptable especially when we live in a culturally and racially diverse society. Unfortunately, discrimination still happens in our modern society as...
Our new government is definitely fulfilling its promise to ensure the country is clean and free from corruption! FMT reported that Home Minister Muhyiddin Yassin made...