Everyone has their own set of preferences when it comes to finding the right partner, and it’s totally okay. Some are looking for educated and stable...
Australia is not always thought of in the history of whisky productions that has been dominated by the Europeans, and more recently, the Japanese. In fact,...
Do you ever feel like people are constantly trampling all over your personal space? Setting personal boundaries can be a tricky thing to do. If you...
There have been plenty of debates on how fresh grads and new workforce employees are drastically underpaid upon entering the industry. While many are forced to...
Thieves and robbers are just getting bolder and bolder these days! A Malaysian woman, Bernie Kuan, recently shared her traumatising experience, warning everyone to be careful...
Think your pasar malam bargaining skills are impressive? This kid’s got you beat. We’ve heard of aunties who can haggle items down half their original selling...
Working in a safe environment and taking necessary precautions is extremely important, especially for high-risk jobs. So, it is always impressive when we see construction workers,...
I’m sure you’ve experienced being in your car waiting in traffic when some random person taps on your window and asks for money. You then realise...
Most people might think that you won’t earn much money from farming, but this farmer proved otherwise! In a report by The Star, a finance degree...
Let’s set the record straight from the start; we really aren’t cursing but this soft drink is actually called lan jiao. If you’re a true Malaysian,...
While most of us are arguing about which party is better over the internet, this man chose to make a difference by travelling all the way...
Dato’ Aliff Syukri is a famous Malaysian cosmetic millionaire and like all celebrities, he’s constantly under the scrutiny of netizens. For some reason, his videos on...
If you think about it, life as a Malaysian is honestly, pretty great. There are thousands of things we can be thankful for, and a billion...
Tread carefully on the internet, otherwise this will happen. Just yesterday, a lady reporter known as Lala Rahim on Twitter made a bold claim that stirred...
In Malaysia, we often come across people who do things that make us uncomfortable or annoy us to the max. However, most of the time, we...
Attention durian lovers! Boy, do we have good news for you! Just recently, a restaurant in Bandar Puteri Puchong has launched a series of Musang King...