If only my eyes were just a little bit bigger … If only I had double eyelids … If only I could get rid of that...
There are many views and arguments on the topic of cheating. What constitutes as cheating? Cheating is not always the fault of the cheater alone. A...
Who doesn’t have that one lecturer who relies way too much on PowerPoint? They drone on, reading each bullet point, head turned away to the slide, while...
Hiring maids are not foreign in Malaysia as some households need the extra helping hand to take care of the house. However, what happens if this...
Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s taste in music has been very recently revealed, showing an eccentric taste ranging from mainstream pop artists to hits of the...
This article speaks of some pains you endure as a Malaysian. There’s always a handful of moments where you just want to slap the idiot that...
Where’s the fun in berbuka-ing if you’re not opening up your heart fully? Have a crush or a special someone in mind? Lonely and quiet at...
Borrowing money has always been a taboo subject whether you are the one lending or borrowing. Many people tend to avoid this subject completely as it...
Is your friendly neighbourhood perhaps haunted? *shudders* Well, read ahead of the many spooky encounters of fellow PJ netizens. Maybe you live near these places yourself???...
Mohd Rohizan Mohd Radzi and his three-year-old son went on a father-son outing when an accident turned smiles into frowns. The father and son were out at...