They say parents hurt the most when their kids are suffering, and sadly there are many Malaysian children out there who live under the circumstances of...
Recently, a deaf GrabFood rider who also has a speech disability took the internet by storm after he had called a customer numerous times to get...
A 25-year-old woman was injured after the car she was driving collided with a police patrol vehicle (MPV) at Jalan Kluang-Kota Tinggi yesterday (3 March). Lau...
During times like this, there are many out there who are feeling sad and lonely, especially the elderly. Hence, the least we can do is try...
It’s no secret that Singaporeans prefer shopping in Johor. After all, purchasing groceries and petrol in Malaysia is way more affordable for them. But, now that...
One thing about Malaysia is that there is kindness around every corner. And what better way than to spread kindness than through a Malaysian favourite, nasi...
Just a couple of months ago, we were blessed with cooling breezes and cloudy days as the monsoon season was accompanied by cold, non-sweat inducing days....
Sleeping has always been a hobby for many, including us! But who knew that sleeping has become a career path in our current era, with many...
We’ve seen many reasons for planes to make emergency landings, from exploding electronic devices to faulty engines. But, a cat? According to India Times, a Sudanese...
While many people can only dream of holidaying overseas, there is now a project underway towards taking vacations out of this world, literally. According to the...
Once part of a ridiculously well-known Malaysian band in the ’90s, Yazid Alias was a rockstar as he sang lead vocals for Sejati, made famous with...
While many of us are planning our dream weddings, booking a gorgeous venue, going for food tastings and picking out decorations, there are others out there...
The best part about ordering from a food delivery service is the anticipation of receiving your meal. But what if, instead of receiving your meal, you get...
Littering and irresponsible disposal of rubbish has always been a problem in Malaysia. But it doesn’t have to be anymore. The Taiping Municipal Council (MPT) took...
With many people suffering through the pandemic, there’s only so much our local philanthropists can do. Which is why it’s great to see how Malaysians are...
Now that we’ve been in the pandemic for quite a while, we’ve grown accustomed to seeing roadblocks and police officers everywhere. Hence, it’s only normal for...