Breakfast is the most important meal of the day (tho every meal is important if you ask me). A good breakfast with the right amount of deliciousness...
Brace yourself if you are the proud owner of a fluffy pet dog or cat at home, because you probably won’t like what you are about...
Food and hygiene should go hand in hand, for very obvious reasons. So imagine how appalled everyone was when a video surfaced showing a particular mamak shop in Kulai Jaya,...
Pandas have always been depicted as the cute and cuddly animal that only nibbles on the shoots of bamboos. But a recent discovery may have changed all that....
The world of gastronomy in China is pretty fascinating and exotic at times. In Sichuan, China, rabbit heads are on the menu of restaurants. They are...
A 19-year-old teen from Queensland Australia epically failed when he tried to rob an Asian restaurant, as reported by 7 News. He walked into the store in a...
Disclaimer: Disturbing images are included in this article A man had accidentally gotten his hand stuck in a meat grinder. The incident took place at 11AM on...
DISCLAIMER: graphic images ahead A controversial dog meat festival in Yulin has been bombarded by protests worldwide, receiving backlash for their abominable treatment of dogs. Thankfully, the...
A lady from Shandong, China went to the wet market to purchase some fresh steak at about 8am, then coming home to find it still moving...