Despite enduring hardships unlike others, there are unfortunate people in the world who would rather help others than themselves. For instance, three young siblings in Batu...
If you’re a 90’s kid, you’d probably remember the Indonesian pop invasion of Malaysia in the early 2000’s. With various Indonesian movies, songs, artists, tv shows...
Imagine this, you are away overseas and carrying on life as usual, only for reality to strike, revealing that someone dear to you has passed on....
It’s no secret that stray animals have it tough out there. But, every once in a while, one lucky stray will meet a kind human being...
One of Malaysians biggest fears is getting stopped by the cops. You probably didn’t even do anything wrong but the fear is always there. One reason...
Smart investment by the parents! Matthew Robson from England received a bottle of Macallan single malt whisky as his birthday present every year for 28 years....
If you’ve grown up in an Asian household, you are probably familiar with an electric mosquito swatter that you use to swat at mosquitoes around your...
It’s surprising how many people enjoy torturing poor, helpless animals, especially in Malaysia where there has been a recent spike of animal abuse cases. Zebra doves...
During the MCO, some of us who had to work from home had trouble separating our work and personal lives. Till now, some semblance of it...
Being kind to animals isn’t exactly a rare thing, but helping an animal in need has become a commendable and note-worthy act that deserves recognition. One...
The Malaysian Animal Association took to Facebook today (31 August) to share that Musang King Durian plantations in Pahang will cause the illegal destruction of 360,000...
In light of the Covid-19 situation, our nation has implemented a 14-day quarantine period for those coming into the country. Our neighbour, Singapore has also implemented...
One of the most talked-about clusters that has even been classified as a “super-spreader” is the Sivagangga cluster that originated from a restaurant owner who failed...
We often capture memories of our loved ones through photographs and videos so that we can look back and reminisce on the fun times we had...
The authorities have set certain rules and procedures during this Covid-19 season for good reason. After all, the pain of enduring the coronavirus isn’t one that...
Almost every employee today has this innate fear that if they leave work on time, they might put their career in jeopardy. Thus the question remains,...