If you’re an undergraduate, fresh graduate, someone who’s looking to switch careers or even just someone who’s looking for a new job opportunity, you’ve probably been...
IKEA Singapore is hiring a full-time selling manager and the salary offered is from $9,150 to $14,250 (approximately RM27296 to RM43,476) per month. This whopping amount...
Going for interviews is an integral step before you get a job. Whether it’s conducted online or face to face, you’re focused on making a good...
The Movement Control Order hasn’t been easy on anyone physically, mentally and especially economically. It was no surprise that many companies either had to retrench their...
It’s no secret that many Malaysians have been laid off or suffered from pay cuts throughout the MCO. But that doesn’t mean that industries aren’t hiring....
There have been plenty of debates on how fresh grads and new workforce employees are drastically underpaid upon entering the industry. While many are forced to...
While we all knew the unemployment rate would rise due to the pandemic, this statistic is still incredibly worrying. In May, JobStreet conducted a survey among...
There’s a saying which goes “give them an inch and they’ll take a mile” which implies that when you give a person small concessions, they’ll respond...
Many Malaysians are currently facing unemployment during this MCO due to the economic slowdown. In fact, according to MEF, 2 million people are going to be...
This movement control order (MCO) has put quite a few people out of jobs, especially those who earn daily payments for labour. However, as demands for...
It’s not easy to land ourselves a job these days, especially when the cost of living has been increasing, but salaries remain unchanged for most fields....
Let’s be honest, we’ve all done some sort of outsourcing in our lives before. Don’t like a chore? Ask your sibling do it. Don’t like a...
Earlier this week, popular travel vlogger Nuseir Yassin (aka Nas Daily) announced that he will be moving to Singapore sometime in April 2019. According to Channel...
Bad news, guys! It looks like more people will be losing their jobs this year as Malaysian Employers Federation (MEF) executive director Datuk Shamsudin Baradan has predicted...
Malaysians have been envious of folks in the Klang Valley for a long time because they get to visit not one, but two IKEAs! However, that’s...