Malaysian mum, @sweetnazya1, took to her TikTok account to share how her young daughter had secretly sold homemade keychains so that she could afford the ingredients to make chocolate cups to participate in her class potluck activity.
She wrote, “To the class teacher and the other students who are seeing this, my apologies for our shortcomings in tomorrow’s school feast (January 17). I actually didn’t include my daughter’s name because we don’t have the money to make anything. We really don’t, it’s not a joke.”
“But, my daughter wants to because she said every one of her classmates is participating.”
She went on to explain that her daughter had included her name for the class potluck and secretly started selling keychains by using the DIY keychain set that she had previously bought for her daughter.
Her daughter would even stay up late, without her mother’s knowledge, to make keychains to sell.
“She saved the money she got from her sales and immediately bought ingredients for her dish.”
The little girl bought small containers and ingredients to make chocolate cups, a dish that the little girl also made herself!
She went on to thank her daughter for being resourceful.
“My daughter, thank you. We’ll struggle first, okay? Believe that not long from now, Allah will allow us to experience an easy life. Allah’s tests are not long, it’s just for a little while. When our time comes, Allah will smile upon us,”
“I know there are some people (on TikTok) who know my daughter as our children go to the same school. Forgive us if what she made is not tasty or small in portion,” she added.
You can check out her video here:
@sweetnazya1 Kepada Guru Kelas Anak2 sy yg lihat vtt ni..Maaf d atas kekurngn kami utk jamuan sekolah esok. ikutkan sy xnk letak nama sbb sy xda modal nk bt.memng btul2 xda.bkn lawak2 🥺.Tp anak sy yg ni dy nk bt sbb smua nama kwn2 ada katanya..dn dy tkut cikgu kta kat mama sma,dy yg buh nama dlm gp.. 5 hari lpas cikgu bgtaw nk bt tataw dy mnjual keychain gooka yg acik kt tiktok ni beli utk dy dlu..dy impun duit tu dn dpt la kt dy hasil mnjual. trus dy p bli brng nk bt tu. Bekas pun comel ja laa sbb modal kecik🥺.. Kakak.. Terima kasih 🥺..kita susah2 dlu kakak. percayalaa xlama lagi Allah bg kita plak merasa senng.. Ujian Allah bg kt kita xlama. sat ja.. smpai masa giliran kita lak Allah bg snyum happy😊.. sy taw dlm ni ad brapa org yg knal anak sy sbb sklh anak kita skli. seandainya skls. maafkan kami ya kalau ap yg kmi bt ni x sdp dn kurng🙏..kakak… bila kita xda duit, xda mknn… mama ngn papa akan redah bakau , redah sungai utk mncari mknn bt kita skluarga.. Bila sekolah bt apa2. kakak lak brusaha bt mxm2 .. Terima kasih krn saling memahami. . 😊. Allah uji kita sbb Allah syg kak.. Kita xkaya duit tp kita kaya kasih syg..Alhamdulillah sgt.Mama bsyukur sbb anak2 mama paham keadaan..nk mkn itu bila mama kata nt ,okeyy ja.nk p jln sana sini bila mama kta xda rezeki g.xpnh mlawan.syukur sgt..🥰.. #fyp #ujianhidup #kisahhidup #fypシ #waqiwaqiah92 #story #portlucksekolah #jamuansekolah
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