Today finally marks the day that the highly-anticipated ‘Avengers: Endgame‘ hits theatres here in Malaysia, and it’s certain that millions of fans from all over the...
It has been several days since Najib’s trial started and the latest development with his case reveals that the former prime minister spent a lot of...
A week ago, beach-goers were warned against swimming in Sabah beaches because jellyfish were said to have increased in number in the area. Similarly, The Star...
Everyone has their fair share of childhood phobias growing up, and while there are some we’ve grown out of, a few remain, deeply rooted in the...
The debate over sexual harassment is a deep and nuanced one, but it does boil down to the fact that men must be educated to respect...
Over the weekend, the entire world was devastated after we learnt about the bombings at churches and high-end hotels in Colombo, Sri Lanka. While we’re still...
Berita Harian reported that two teenagers ran away from home because they were afraid that their parents would find out about their relationship. Unfortunately, during their...
This was supposed to be a holy day for Christians celebrating Easter, but it turned into tragedy when a series of explosions hit three churches and...
What’s more romantic than a Ferris wheel ride with your other half? Holding hands, deep, meaningful conversations with each other, all while enjoying a picturesque view....
Our kidneys are one of the most vital organs of the human body and having kidney failure could prove catastrophic for our health! Kidney failure is...
Your convocation should be one of the proudest days of your life, but for this recent graduate, it’s one of his saddest and most bittersweet. Recently,...
For better or for worse, in sickness and in health… This woman has clearly taken her marriage vows to heart, because she was willing to put...
Disagreements are par for the course when it comes to married life, but we definitely didn’t expect this one to get so heated! When a man...
Well, this certainly doesn’t look good! Harian Metro reported that the waters of Tanjung Balau and Batu Layar, Kota Tinggi are currently contaminated because of an...
In a Facebook post that recently went viral, a worried Malaysian mother shared an update on her 2-month-old baby’s health. Posted on 17th April, her post...
The things one does for love! A Singaporean medical officer has landed himself in hot water, after he was found guilty of granting himself medical leaves,...