Despite enduring hardships unlike others, there are unfortunate people in the world who would rather help others than themselves. For instance, three young siblings in Batu...
A 23-year-old Malaysian Indian man who lives in Kuantan has invited his 87-year-old Chinese neighbour to live together with him and his 71-year-old grandmother despite only...
Have you ever wondered what life would be once you’re old and your loved ones have all passed on? One elderly uncle in Ipoh drastically changed...
Just recently on Thai Internet, a disease-riddled taxi uncle took the spotlight with his tearful story. His plight was featured in a viral post by a...
Stress can be very dangerous towards your mental health. Even a small amount, if not handled properly will adversely affect your life like a volcano suddenly...
Ever since the Movement Control Order began, the fate of labourers has remained a question mark. Having their jobs and incomes affected, labourers who work in...
We understand that under the current situation the whole country is in, your day to day activities can be very stressful. From losing one’s job to...
Good deeds go a long way! On 6th July, a 43-year-old journalist from the Makkal Osai shared a heartwarming tale of how Malaysians united to help an...
Given our status as a generally multicultural nation boasting a wide spectrum of races that live in harmony with one another, it is inevitable that many...
Although the country recorded a decline in the number of daily Covid-19 infections, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) still remained the same and we should continue to...
Wanting to help out another person in need, netizen @danialxpruk took to Twitter sharing the story of a woman asking for public funding to help her...
Myvis have always had a reputation in Malaysia for being legends on the road. But which actually makes the legend? The car or the driver? Well,...
While business and the economy may be slowing down post-MCO for everyone, it is probably those who live on a day-to-day basis that have been hit...
When times are tough, many who are unemployed have to adapt and find other ways to make a living. Recently, a Facebook page known as, Puchong...
The existence of social media has brought cases like this to light. On 26th May, a Sungai Siput community page posted a tear-jerking 2-minute video on...
Causing harm and injury to anyone is not something we should ever tolerate. But to injure and harm the elderly, who are too weak to defend...