On the day of her solemnisation, a 24-year-old nursery teacher pleaded guilty at the Klang Sessions Court to physically abusing an 11-month-old boy at a nursery in Puncak Alam, Selangor.
The accused, Nur Suhadah Saharudin, was charged with abusing the infant by pinching his cheeks and pulling his ears until causing physical injuries at the nursery on 13 December at around 6.15pm.
The accused’s day at court and her solemnisation ceremony were on the same day
According to Harian Metro, the accused confessed after the charge under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act 2001 was read in front of Sessions Court Judge Nurul Mardhiah Mohamed Redza.
The accused was not represented by a lawyer. In trying to mitigate the amount of bail, she revealed to the judge that her solemnisation ceremony was taking place on the same day and that her wedding reception would take place the next day.
She was quoted as saying,
“I plead guilty and promise not to do it again. Today is my solemnisation ceremony, my wedding reception is tomorrow,”

For illustration purposes
The judge set the bail at RM10,000
The Sessions Court then set the bail at RM10,000 with one bailor and ordered the accused not to harass the victim. Should there be complaints about harassment against the victim, the bail order will be rescinded immediately.
If convicted, the accused may face up to 20 years in jail, a fine of up to RM50,000 or both. The case will be reconvened on 24 December at the Kuala Selangor Court.

For illustration purposes
So, what do you guys think of the case? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!