The Idol is HBO’s newest original series, created by Abel Tesfaye (The Weeknd) and Euphoria’s Sam Levinson. The ending of the HBO hit series, Euphoria left many fans with...
The recent Turun protest which was organised by various student organisations and youth groups was recently publicly condemned by student unions of various local universities. Apart...
These days, if you are an active and public social media user, there is no escaping public scrutiny. Just in the last month, a few Malaysian...
Food delivery riders often get into some odd and challenging situations. However, they power through the obstacles despite the amount of inconvenience it poses to them. Recently, a Malaysian food delivery...
A recently-opened hair salon in Puchong went viral after it had shared images of sexy Thai models washing the hair of male customers. The images have since...
It is a known fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in a healthcare crisis leading to many of our healthcare professionals to be overworked and...
Recently, a video of a male performer dressed sexily as a woman at a ‘Pesta Dangdut’ at a hotel in Terengganu went viral. The event themed...
Yuna has come ridiculously far in her career as a locally and internationally-renowned musician as she announces the release of the first part of her 2022...
Last Friday (4 March) a gala dinner with 800 people in Johor was organised by the state’s Chinese business community. Those present at the dinner included...
Malaysia seems to have a “correct” dress code for everything. From not being able to wear tight clothes to even having a “correct” attire for when...
If you aren’t a daredevil then scroll along as this post is not for you! While we can’t go wrong with basics and neutrals it is...
Ladies? If there’s something we’ll always want, it’s definitely…men? No, it’s food. But, having a cute guy deliver your food to you does seem like an...
Photos of celebrity preacher Pencetus Ummah (PU) Amin posing between two Instagram influencers in ‘figure-hugging outfits’ has sparked outrage online. The photos were first posted on...
Vlad is a chad! Despite being 68-years-old this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin has been voted the transcontinental country’s most attractive man by his fellow countrymen....
Many planned to celebrate the start of 2021 partying the night away. Unfortunately, with the pandemic in place, partying isn’t exactly an option. But that didn’t...
A few days ago, Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of Women and Family Development, YB Siti Zailah Mohd Yusoff, stated that she wished to implement the clothing policy...