Along with the new year comes new changes, some which are planned, and others that are, at the very least, unexpected. The first unexpected news this...
A fun and educational fitness event by the Ministry of Education in Putrajaya turned into tragedy when helium-filled inflated balloons exploded due to the reckless action...
As we’re wrapping up the last quarter of 2019, many of us have already started thinking about plans for the next year and when to start...
After the news that the actual exam papers were leaked for this year’s PT3, students who’ve worked hard for it felt devastated because the students who...
A specialist paediatrician known as Dr Natalie Epton, has come forward to advise parents in Singapore not to make their young children wear the N95 mask....
Recently, the Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching announced that Jawi would be used in textbooks at all schools nationwide, including Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan Cina (SJKC)...
There’s no shortage of parents making police reports these days. According to Guang Ming Daily, a Facebook group (SJK (C) Fees Monitoring Forum) complained that a Standard...
In a press statement released by the Johor State Education Department (Johor JPN) yesterday (24th June), it was announced that all 475 educational institutions in Pasir...
Netizen Quek Yew Aun took to Twitter to share the speech he gave to STPM candidates who were just six months away from their final exam,...
Barang larangan at school? It’s a rule that students are not allowed to smoke or vape within the school compounds, however, on 17th May, it was...
Earlier this week (22nd April), Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik took to his Facebook page to share a list of available scholarships in Malaysia that are...
It looks like financial aid is on the way, Malaysian uni students! According to Free Malaysia Today, the Ministry of Finance just announced yesterday (24th February)...
Previously, the Ministry of Education in Malaysia announced that physical textbooks would be replaced with digital ones in 2019 and students would be able to use...
Teachers are some of the most important people who help shape our formative years, so it’s great to see them being celebrated! According to The Sun,...
This is great news! Granting political freedom to students in universities and colleges have been one of the education minister’s top missions and yesterday (11 December 2018),...