This is seriously terrible! In order to be able to pay her university fees, a 22-year-old Malaysian girl was forced to have sex with a pervert...
Life has its ups and downs and they’re inevitable. What we do is to try to make the best out of the worst situations. A 70-year-old...
People have different methods for moving on from a broken relationship, but this man took it to the next level by training himself into a competitive...
Just recently, a phone shop owner shared on Facebook about how a shabbily dressed man bought a smartphone with cash. What’s more impressive was – the...
Have you ever been pressured by your friends to drink some more even though you know you’re way past your booze limit or maybe you have...
Malaysians love their spicy food and would probably think nothing of trying out spicy food challenges, but do be careful because overdoing it can potentially land...
If you were scrolling through Instagram on 20th May, you might’ve come across many couple photos with the number “520” somewhere in the captions. That’s because...
Omg, this is horrible! On Sunday (19 May), a man who was drunk had randomly entered a house and proceeded to allegedly stab a 10-year-old girl...
A video of a man killing an entrapped monkey in cold blood has drawn widespread criticism from netizens. The 21-second video begins with a man forcing...
Sudden death while exercising is not exactly new, but it’s not commonly heard of as well. According to China Press, a Chinese man was playing badminton...
Understandably, getting stuck in a jam caused by a stalled vehicle can sometimes get on our nerves especially when we’re rushing. However, what this driver did...
Well, isn’t this interesting! The Star reported that Malaysia’s population of men has surpassed the population of women in the first quarter of 2019. According to...
It’s common to hear people slitting their wrists when they attempt to kill themselves, but this guy went even further. T_T According to The Star, a...
William Arthur Ward, an American writer, once said: “The mediocre teacher tells, The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.” However, it...
OMG, this is so scary! A Malaysian girl who was just being helpful found herself in a terrible situation when she was decided to be kind...
Vomiting after a heavy beer-drinking session is somewhat normal. What’s not normal is throwing up a tumour from one’s mouth and that’s exactly what happened to...