A ten-year-old boy, who lost his grandmother and father within a short period of time, has been living on his own and sustaining himself by growing...
? Siakap Keli wrote that a man wanted to surprise his dad for Father’s Day, but he ended up getting a horrific surprise instead as he...
Such an irresponsible teacher! A young schoolgirl, 9, died after she was bitten by a snake – but her death could’ve been avoided if only the...
Plastic bags may be very convenient, but disposing of them improperly is affecting the lives of animals more than you think. On 16th November, a man...
An 80-year-old man who went to a chiropractor to get treatment for his leg injury died after the chiropractor broke his neck. According to Daily Mail,...
Every other week, we keep hearing about elephants being gunned down for its body parts. What happened to our compassion? These majestic endangered animals are being...
The Singaporean couple that tortured and murdered their five-year-old son said that they had “no intention to kill him”. Azlin Arujunah, 27, said that she only...
Straits Times reported that there was a blast in the police headquarters in Medan, Indonesia and it is allegedly a suicide bombing. North Sumantran police spokesperson,...
A Singaporean couple stood trial in High Court on 12th November for the murder of their five-year-old. According to Today Online, Azlin Arjunah and Ridzuan Mega...
When dealing with machinery that have gears that turn and rotate, it’s best to have a clean and tidy working space to minimise any accidents from...
A 39-year-old pregnant woman from China died after a hospital refused to admit her because they had “no bed”. According to China Press, a man brought...
If you’ve read the news recently, you would’ve heard about how 16-year-old delivery rider, Muhammad Saifullah Muhammad Hafiz, was tragically killed when a bus driver lost...
A 36-year-old woman has been arrested on suspicion that she murdered her own newborn baby. According to Coconuts, the suspect from Palembang, Indonesia, became pregnant out...
My father once told me that being careful on the road isn’t just about watching your own driving. “Others on the road can be careless too,”...
A 17-year-old boy was found dead in his room after he couldn’t stop playing computer games. According to a Facebook post, the boy, who is from...
Life is very fragile. At any moment, we could be saying goodbye to the world forever. Hence, it should always be in our mind that the...