Husbands, always stay loyal to your wives for you’ll never know how much she suffers for you until you no longer have her.
One wife, who has somewhat of a temper, could no longer take her husband’s uncaring, abusive, womanising ways any more and decided to take matters into her own hands, with a baseball bat.
She took to the Kisah Rumah Tangga Facebook page to make an anonymous confession about how her temper got the best of her when she recently fought with her husband about his disgusting behaviour. He ended up pushing her to the ground while slapping and kicking her. Unable to take it anymore, she managed to get hold of a baseball bat and used it to literally beat him up.
Assalamualaikum..saya nak minta sikit pendapat..jangan kecam..dan bagi pendapat yang bagus..minta admin sorok akaun saya…
Posted by Kisah Rumah Tangga on Wednesday, November 27, 2019
She wrote, “Assalamualaikum, I wanted to get your thoughts on this matter. Please don’t criticise me and please give me good advice. I want to stay anonymous. I am a wife who truly has a bad temper. Lately, I got into a fight with my husband, he’s a womaniser even though he knows I’m loyal. He doesn’t care for me when I’m sick in the hospital. There’s so much more I’ve been keeping in for years. I couldn’t handle it anymore. It started with a small fight, he slapped my face, pushed me to the ground, slapped and kicked my body. I even fell down the stairs. I don’t know what had got into me, but I was really angry, so I started beating his legs with a baseball bat. I beat up both his legs, I punched his face left and right, I punched his head and scratched his face. His legs were bleeding because the beating had effected the bone that he had previously broken. I told him to divorce me because I can no longer forgive him, but he said no.”

Source: GettyImages
She had clearly gone through so much pain and anger, and honestly, how much abuse can someone take before they start to fight back? And aren’t her actions considered self-defence?
She wondered that herself, asking in the posting if what she did was wrong, among other questions.
“My question is, will he really change? To never beat me again, to never womanise again? And am I wrong as a wife to fight back? I don’t like being used by a man, even though we have a family, I asked for a divorce,” she ended her posting.

Source: PinkNews
We genuinely hope the woman gets the help she needs considering she’s sincerely reaching out for it.
Her posting has since garnered over 208 shares.
Hence, husbands, treat your wives right.
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