When it comes to money, everyone would try to make every penny count when spending it. While spending on things you love can bring joy, it’s...
There are plenty of people who would drive recklessly on the road, causing trouble for other people. One of the most reckless things one can do...
Many Malaysians are surprised that Syed Saddiq did not make it as the Youth and Sports Minister. Following that, many teased him on social media saying...
As pandemic restriction eases, many Malaysians are eager to get their travelling plans back on track as they’ve been homebound for close to 2 years. That...
iPhone has become one of the most used phones in the world and for Malaysians to purchase an iPhone, we’d have to go through telco companies...
Everyone’s body types are different and it’s always distasteful to judge someone based on their body. Social media has also severely impacted the way we look...
One of the things that one must have when living in Malaysia is definitely a driving license. While public transport in Malaysia is slowly catching up,...
In this superficial society, many people would judge based on one’s outer appearance simply with what they wear and if they have any luxurious branded items...
Tattoos are considered as a taboo especially in Asian countries and occasionally, people would get discriminated from job opportunities due to their tattoos. Just recently, China...
Domestic helpers are definitely one of the best additions to families who are often busy with their career and have no time to tidy up their...
Malaysia has always been known for having a variety of food that taste incredible and just yesterday, Michelin Guide Director, Gwendal Poullennec, revealed that anonymous food...
Malaysia is known for many things like incredibly delicious food and nice people but that doesn’t mean we’re perfect. Just recently, in a YouTube video with...
By now, many Malaysians are familiar with the infamous mansion located in Bukit Gasing. If you haven’t heard of it, the mansion, otherwise known as the...
Relationships are often hard to navigate but once you find a partner who has the same life values, it will definitely be easier. Just recently, a...
When it comes to family, it’s important that they’re supportive as they’re considered as people who are closest to you. That being said, one shouldn’t take...
By now, most Malaysians are familiar with Hai Di Lao as they serve decent hotpot with top notch services. Just recently, a waitress from Hai Di...