Over the weekend, Malaysians were shocked by the news of a young, specialist doctor allegedly taking her own life due to workplace bullying. Following this, the...
Following the incident where a young Malaysian specialist doctor allegedly took her own life due to workplace bullying at the Sabah hospital where she worked, many...
Conflict is an inevitable part of every relationship, be it romantic, familial, platonic, or professional relationships. Regrettably, many Malaysians lack the essential skills to resolve conflicts...
There are rules and regulations to follow at work, but what happens when you’re imposed with penalties that cost you a whopping RM5,000? A Malaysian man...
In Malaysian society, a prevailing social stigma often discourages people from embracing solitude, mistakenly associating it with loneliness. However, many may not realize that loneliness and...
Is RM1,500 sufficient for a minimum salary? Even UNICEF thinks it’s time for the minimum salary to be increased to RM2,100 because the former figure is...
While generational differences may seem small, they have a big impact on the workplace. Baby boomers are the eldest, followed by Generation X, Generation Y, and...
It’s never easy to deal with toxic co-workers at work. It’s easier if you don’t need to liaise or communicate with each other at work but...
Having a crush on someone is a natural feeling, and sometimes you just can’t help it. It’s a universal experience that almost everyone goes through at...
The importance of having a good working environment is crucial for the mental health of each employee. Such an impact can leave individuals feeling feeling demotivated...
When a workplace turns out to be toxic to the extent that our mental health is in jeopardy, we leave and seek a new workplace, hopefully...
Fellow employers, how do you define a successful employee? One who reaches KPI every month? Or those who never disobeyed you and always say yes? Malaysian...
Being a security guard is a respectable profession, despite what some people might think. Their dedication to keeping watch and dealing with tough situations makes a...
Some of us NEED a daily dose of morning caffeine to keep ourselves energised at work, while others utilise the nighttime well for a good 7...
They say teamwork makes the dream work, especially in the workplace. And within every team, there’s always that one person who always finds themselves in sticky...
Job interviews can be daunting at times, especially when your potential employers seem intimidating or pose tough questions that make you doubt you’re getting the job....