Normally, people tend to love peace and quite in the neighbourhood they live in, and if anything out of the ordinary were to happen, it would...
Better opportunities are bound to come your way when you do your best in your job. A young part-time banquet waiter recently got the offer of...
Gig work is an important industry that helps many Malaysians earn side incomes and gain opportunities. But unfortunately, it appears that young Malaysians are finding it...
The rise of online technology has given way to much more elaborate scams as online based scams have been on the increase. Recently, Twitter user Afiq...
A few months back, we received word of a fake part-time job offer scam that cost an 18-year-old girl’s parents RM656. They had lodged a police...
Recently, a reader named Shirley* (name changed for privacy reasons) reached out to WORLD OF BUZZ to share an incident that happened to her which caused...
Any songket fans here? Songket is a traditional woven fabric of Malay people in Malaysia. While this design already looks fantastic on fabric, wouldn’t you like...
At the end of the day, all we got to do is just respect the grind! Now, based on the economical situation the nation has been...
Most people obtain a university degree by a certain age but some do it at a different time and that’s okay because everyone has their own...
Our nation’s job market has taken a turn for the worse since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Fresh graduates and students who are newly entering...
This Malaysian proves that sometimes, hard work is all we need to succeed! On 10th June, a man by the name of Wayne Tan shared his...
This is such an awesome initiative from AEON Malaysia! If you or anyone you know have lost their source of income due to the restrictions of...
Many Malaysians are currently facing unemployment during this MCO due to the economic slowdown. In fact, according to MEF, 2 million people are going to be...
We are in the era of Internet where you can post something, anything at all and the next thing you know, it will be viral across...
Mohammad Azhar Alias, age 43, is a part-time road cleaner, and when he earns extra money from it, guess what he does with it?? He feeds...
Always wanted to travel to New Zealand but don’t have the funds to do so? Go on a working holiday where you can enjoy New Zealand...