Featured image source: asiancorrespondent International guest DJ was set to play in Zouk Singapore last Saturday but a commotion was stirred that turned the night into...
JPA scholarships are (or were) one of Malaysia’s main scholarships given to bright students after going through interviews to prove they deserved the scholarship. It has...
Friday night, Prime MInister Najib Razak spoke out about Himpunan Rakyat Bersatu, saying that races need to respect one another or racial tension will be stirred....
The 16th International Anti-Corruption Conference which is held in Putrajaya is a 3 day conference that started on 2nd September. Jose Ugaz, chair of Transparency International, said...
Back in July 2, allegations of $681 million or RM2.6 billion in Najib’s accounts first surfaced in a report by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Although...
A picture posted by Facebook page “General Knowledge” back in 2014 resurfaced. The picture shows UK Prime Minister David Cameron failing to find a seat on a public...
Recent issues in Malaysia has caused the country a bit of a stir and many blamed the Prime Minister for it. Little did you know, he...
Who else besides a celebrity could spark over 22,200+ likes, 3400+ shares and 20,000+ comments in less than 12 hours? The same man who easily gotten...
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has released a press conference confirming that the debris found on Réunion island belonged to MH370. Devastating news struck when the Boeing...