One does not simply go to bed with contact lenses still intact. That’s general knowledge, right? However, this young lady ignored the rule and paid a...
Warning: Images included in the content may be disturbing to some readers. Recently, a video of a kind woman removing stitches from a kitten went viral on...
On January 10, an innocent 2-year-old boy became the victim of a vicious acid attack after his mother rejected a man’s love. The incident happened in...
That’s a little lacist, don’t you think? Richard Lee is an engineering student from New Zealand. He recently had to get his passport renewed and in doing...
When it comes to women’s body, we have always been sure about which parts are our favorites. There really isn’t much of a debate there. However,...
In the Chapel of Saltillo which is located in the state of Coahuila de Zaragoza, Mexico, a statue of Jesus was recorded to have opened its...
30 year old lady from North Carolina had her dream of being blind come true after her psychologist assisted her by pouring drain cleaner into her...
So today if you’re going through Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or Instagram, you are bound to stumble on a picture of this dress. It is having everyone’s...