Since the beginning of time, using your phone while driving has always been an offence taken seriously by the PDRM. However, even after authorities implemented the...
Whether we realise it or not, the roof of our car more often than not, winds up being a really good place to place our belongings...
While driving alone may be something we take for granted pretty often, it is probably a good idea that we make a habit of being aware...
Malaysian motorheads, this one is a truly special treat for you. If you grew up in the 1990s, chances are you would have been in, seen,...
In 2014, a study by the University of Michigan reported that Malaysia is among the top 25 most dangerous countries for road users, with 30 fatalities...
Don’t drink and drive; this is a commonly established axiom that we all come to respect when we are behind the wheel of a car. And...
Due to the recent increase in drunk driving cases in Malaysia, it looks like our government may be looking into reviewing the sales of alcohol in...
We understand that under the current situation the whole country is in, your day to day activities can be very stressful. From losing one’s job to...
While driving, one is expected to face a great number of road hazards, whether it be potholes (inevitably with almost every Malaysian highway) or sometimes debris...
An incident was reported where a woman’s car was set ablaze after she crashed into two motorcycles, injuring two 14-year-old boys who were riding the motorcycles....
We’ve probably been a little too lax about our car maintenance during the Movement Control Order. If you noticed that your driving license and road tax...
Mental health issues are just as serious as physical health problems and they are not to be taken for granted. Even though mental health issues are...
As roadblocks across the nation are lifted and highways are now resuming operations for travellers to make interstate journeys, it is worth remembering that we should...
There’s been quite a number of drunk driving cases lately. So much so that our government has been looking into causes and ways to prevent it...
After all the outrage regarding drinking and driving, you’d think that Malaysians have learnt their lesson. Oblivious and just being plain irresponsible, 11 drivers were arrested...
It has been a sad and disappointing week for everyone globally. Besides the Black Lives Matter protests that are currently going on in the United States,...