Featured Image updated. We deeply apologise for the confusion for previous image used which was stated for illustration purposes only. Disclaimer: Featured photo does not represent...
What is Jaywalking? Do a quick search on the internet and it’ll tell you jaywalking is defined as ‘cross or walk in the street or road...
There’s a new speed bump in town and it has gotten the internet, specifically most residence of SS14 and SS18, in an uproar. The infamous road hump is...
A 17 year old Singaporean was recently arrested for hit and run. However, the events leading up to it is making the internet boil. A friend...
Following consistent thunder storms practically every evening, Klang Valley is swept over by flash floods. To make matters worse, heavy rain has been pouring about 5pm-7pm...
Marriage marks the beautiful moment when two people come together and vow to dedicate their lives to each other. This was especially true for these newly...
One of the main modes of transportation in Malaysia is through driving and occasionally, we’d be lucky enough to encounter a road block for spot checks....
A young driver was pulled over by the cops when he was cruising down the road because he apparently had 27 unresolved traffic violations. When he...
Fellow Malaysian Neil shared his horrifying experience when he decided to take a GrabCar home one day. With much frustration, he shared his post on Facebook,...
Featured image source: autobuzz There has been complains of a scam in Malaysia that has been becoming more apparent recently. Facebook user Mikha shares his personal experience of a...
In a world taken over by smart gadgets, its almost a necessity to carry around a power bank. I mean, what if your phone runs out...
When we’re on the road, it’s usually the norm of cars, road, traffic jams, and more cars. But sometimes, you catch a glimpse of something more...
Why would anyone be happy when your relatively expensive car gets crashed? Even if money wasn’t an issue, imagine all the hassle you have to go...
Just last week a police pulled me over for not having my headlights on. He told me it was an RM300 fine. I was shocked, how...
Note: Featured image is not the original poster (OP). Featured image source: viddsee Khairunhanisah published a post on Facebook several days ago desperately seeking help from...