While waiting for the verdict on his appeal for house arrest, Najib Razak lamented his sorrow of missing many important events due to his current circumstances.
One of the significant events that he had no choice but to miss recently is the birth of his grandson.
In his Facebook post, the former Prime Minister said he got teary thinking of his fate of missing the birth of his grandchild and being unable to be with his family during the important event.
Najib also made it clear that it wasn’t the first important family event that he couldn’t attend since he was put behind bars for the 1MDB scandal.
“I couldn’t attend my son (Ashman)’s wedding when he married Nikola. Now, when I got a new grandson, I cannot be there with them while they welcomed their first child. I got teary just listening to the good news,” Najib expressed.
Najib shared the picture of his son, Ashman holding his newborn to celebrate the good news. The newborn is named Ardan.
“Regardless, I stayed strong and happy when my family showed me the picture of the newborn.”
Norashman Najib, the former PM’s youngest son tied the knot with Nikola Mulyadi in December 2023, without Najib’s presence.
The first part of Najib’s appeal for house arrest was a success, and according to his attorney, Tan Sri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah said the legal team expected Najib to be home by February 2025.
The final decision, however, is entirely up to the court.