Leading a healthy lifestyle isn’t an easy task. It requires discipline and motivation to be able to keep up with the ‘rules’ that come with being healthy. Most of the time, we do what we can in ways we think aligns with that #healthylyfe. But what are some of the supposed ‘healthy habits’ we do that are actually useless to our health? Worse, it could even be bad for our health!
Wondering what useless health habits you’ve been doing that actually don’t bring any benefits to you? Read on and find out:
1. Loading up on Vitamin C when you have a flu

Source: The Candida Diet
We can’t deny that Vitamin C has a lot of benefits. From increasing bone density and preventing Alzheimer’s to treating the simple common cold. However, loading up on Vitamin C when your flu is already making its cycle isn’t going to help you feel better faster. In fact, the maximum dosage for an adult is 2,000mg a day. Overloading on Vitamin C can actually cause you more health complications, such as diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, headaches along with other side effects.
2. Korek-ing your ears with cotton buds

Source: Coach Nine
You might think that using cotton buds to clean out your earwax is a good way to keep your ears clean. Not to mention is feels so syok also. But what you’re doing is actually pushing the dirt and wax further in to your ear canal. This will only result in having impacted wax in your ear and could potentially cause damage to your eardrum. Then you lagi cannot hear! Chewing or any other jaw movements and skin growing in your ear canal will help the earwax to fall out naturally. So don’t buat pandai and simply dig no matter how syok it feels. You might end up causing more damage than good!
3. Using hand sanitisers
Let’s be real, hand sanitisers are really convenient to have around especially when there isn’t a place to wash your hands (with soap). or you just malas. However, using hand sanitisers isn’t the most hygiene-effective method there is. There are some types of bacteria and viruses that aren’t affected by hand sanitisers! So don’t be malas and just wash your hands the old-fashioned way: soap and water!
4. Drinking juices and smoothies (especially for diet)

Source: Body Blueprint
Juices are a healthy alternative; they are not, however, a good meal substitute. Fruits have about as much sugar as your average sugary drink out there and because it’s in liquid form, it absorbs much faster. By the time the juice reaches your stomach, it wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between juice or soda. The best way to consume your ‘juices’ is in its natural form. Besides, juicing fruits and vegetables will only result in you missing out on all the natural fibres and nutrients.
5. Relying on vitamins and multivitamins for nutrients

Source: Happy Happy Vegan
Don’t get us wrong, taking small amounts of vitamins like A, C and E help our bodies turn food into energy and prevents you from developing rickets or scurvy. The thing is, all of these vitamins are sufficiently supplied through what we eat daily. So unless you’re not eating anything that has a nutritional value, slow down on the supplements. Ingesting too much will even cause more bad than good. You finally have a good reason to turn down your aunty who is always trying to get you to try a new supplement!
6. Drinking sugar-free or diet drinks

Source: The Independent
If you’re doing this to cut down on your sugar intake, then you’re better off just drinking the regular drinks instead. Sugar-free or diet drinks actually replaces the sugar with artificial sweeteners. So, while you may not be consuming any calories, you’re making up for them in chemicals – which is worse!
7. Brushing your teeth after every meal
Over brushing your teeth will result in wearing down the enamel and hurting your gums. Brushing 2-3 times a day for not more than two minutes each time is a good balance. Another thing to remember is to wait for at least 30 minutes after a meal to brush your teeth. This lets the saliva wash away food particles and balance out the pH levels in your mouth, especially if you’ve eaten acidic foods that weakens the enamel. Brushing too soon will only damage your enamel in its weakened state.
8. Drinking 8 glasses of water a day
Keeping hydrated is important but always remember that each person’s level of dehydration is different. That being said, you don’t actually have to drink a minimum of eight glasses a day. Your body will tell you when it’s feeling dehydrated so generally, just drink whenever you’re thirsty instead of obsessing over the number of glasses!
9. Trying to avoid heating up food with a microwave
Real talk: microwaves will NOT give you cancer. The level of radiation isn’t enough to cause serious damage to you. That being said, it’s perfectly okay to heat up your leftovers with a microwave. In some cases, it might even be healthier than using direct heat as that would only result in ‘burning off’ whatever nutrients that are in your food.
So now that you know the truth, you can go easy on yourself and not guilt trip yourself for not being healthy. Did we miss out on any other konon ‘healthy habits’? Let us know in the comment section!
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