The issue of people rushing to book parking spaces is nothing new for Malaysians. We’ve heard of people standing in empty parking spaces to ‘chup’ the...
Cheating is wrong, but chopping off someone’s penis is worse. Here’s a piece of news that will guarantee to make you wince. A 58-year-old woman in...
Afraid that you’ll be forever alone? Fear not, because here’s a muscular pair of arms to ‘teman’ you during your lonely times. A Japanese company has...
Such a despicable act! A young mother – who wants to be known as MS – was breast-feeding her newborn baby when she was raped by...
The United Kingdom has recorded its second hottest day in history, with temperatures hitting 38.1°C in Cambridge. According to BBC News, public transportation services were also...
Yikes, this doesn’t sound good! We’ve been warned many times about people loitering in public places waiting to scam the innocent public and here is another...
In most Asian households, chilli is a staple ingredient in our food; whether it is chilli powder or fresh chillies, they have always been a part...
This is sad! Utusan Borneo just reported that a disabled girl (OKU) became pregnant because authorities suspect that she had been raped by her neighbour. Oh...
We all know that it is illegal to record in the cinema, even if it’s for something as harmless as posting it on an Instagram story...
Over the weekend, Malaysians were outraged when a video of a car being driven while two children were sitting on top of the boot surfaced on...
Babies are the most innocent creatures in the world, and they deserve the best things in life. This 7-month-old baby girl, however, didn’t even get to...
We don’t deserve dogs. An abandoned dog travelled around 200km on foot just to search for its owner — and nearly died because of it. The...
Many don’t really know it’s like working as a healthcare professional, many of whom experience verbal and physical sexual harassment at their workplace. On 18 July, a...
Some of us definitely dreamed of becoming a pilot while we were younger, and we’re sure this young boy couldn’t wait to be one. On Monday...
The animal kingdom never fails to amaze. With blue snakes, dolphins that pass puffer fishes around to get high and porcupines addicted to roti canai… Wait...
OMG, this is sad! First, we learnt that the numbers of our Malayan tigers are slowly diminishing; today, we found out that orangutan is facing the...