What a whirlwind these past few days have been for us Malaysians. For a moment back on Thursday (23 July 2020), we thought we’d never be...
Have you ever wondered why our currency is called ‘Ringgit’? In fact, did you know that prior to 1975, Malaysia’s official currency is actually called the...
If you’re a fan of the comedian Russell Peters, you’d probably be familiar about a popular comedic bit he made back in the day. It’s about...
Of all the sectors to be hit the hardest by the Covid-19 pandemic, tourism is by far and wide the industry to take the biggest fall...
A MOBA Pokémon multiplayer game for mobile devices and Nintendo Switch? Pokém-onz! Good news for all of you Pokémon fans out there. The Pokémon company is...
For those of you who have seen numerous television cooking shows or home decor transformations, chances are you have come to appreciate the beauty of having...
If you ever grew up with Chinese ‘wuxia‘ aka ‘martial arts heroes’ films, then you will at some point in your life, have wondered what it...
When it comes down to driving handicapped passengers, a conventional car tends to create more problems than it solves. This is especially true of those who...
Given our status as a generally multicultural nation boasting a wide spectrum of races that live in harmony with one another, it is inevitable that many...
In terms of land mass and delicious food, Singapore has always been living in the shadows of our country. However, it seems that throughout the years...
Md Rayhan Kabir, the man featured in Al-Jazeera’s controversial documentary has had his work permit revoked by the Malaysian Immigration Department. This was confirmed by the...
The controversial documentary by Al-Jazeera regarding the alleged mistreatment of illegal immigrants in our country during the Covid-19 pandemic has sparked outrage amongst Malaysians. At the...
A science invention by three Malaysian children, known as, ‘My Soil My Plant’ is now moving onto the final round after returning home with three gold...
In the wake of the Movement Control Order bringing the national economy to a complete standstill for over three months, many businesses have had to brave...