Black magic is not to be taken lightly. These forces are always around us. However, while some are forces of good, others can be evil in...
Keeping our houses clean and in good condition is already difficult, what more when people purposely do things to damage our homes. In a viral video...
In an ideal world, we wouldn’t have to deal with the stale air, musty odour and mold growth that comes with poorly ventilated rooms. Unfortunately, many...
Many of us know and love to eat fried bean curd sheets (or also known as yuba) in our daily meals but after reading this, you might...
We know how much your bantal busuk or chou chou means to you. Washing it is definitely a nightmare, which most chou chou owners will try...
Do you remember the crazy body trends that was all the rage back then? These trends mainly originated from China and comprised bizarre trends such as...
Desserts are delectable sweet treats that the majority of us enjoy and they often make an appearance on our social media feeds. Well, a bunch of curious...