Thieves know no morals and certainly need no reason to commit crimes for their own benefit. After all, desperate times call for desperate measures, and they...
The Academy Awards, or The Oscars as it’s commonly known, is typically considered to be the biggest night in the film industry. After all, their recognition...
Buying the lottery, as is going to the casino, is entirely dependent on a game of luck. Or sometimes, it can be a rigged game of...
Most of you probably remember the viral video that was uploaded over social media, showing a man and an auntie trying to protect a stray dog...
Flying cars are the future! Or that was what we were promised back in the day, with movies like Back To The Future and Blade Runner....
While suicide may never be the answer to any of life’s hardships, many people who are desperate and feel hopeless in their own situations tend to...
Premarital sex as most people understand it today, is a choice. One can choose to have premarital sex, or they can also choose to wait until...
A lazy man works the smartest, some will say. And if you see the lengths that criminals go just to get to your hard-earned money, you’d...
Break-ins are a common occurrence if you live in Malaysia. Every other day, you probably hear about someone’s house being burglarised, and their valuables stolen. The...
Unscrupulous individuals try doing many different things to cheat honest folks out of their hard-earned cash. Whether it be pretending to be an injured couple to...
Beauty is pain, as many people will tell you. From plastic surgery to painful, body shaping garments meant to hide and tuck away whatever imperfections there...
Most of us probably are pretty familiar with life’s struggles, what with having to work every day, deal with traffic jam, then monthly salary not enough...
How many of you guys here watch Shark Tank? No, it’s not about swimming with sharks in a tank. Instead, it’s a reality show where real...
While driving on the road, it’s only common sense that you should always try to keep an eye out for traffic and be constantly aware of...
After 80 years, Malaysia’s oldest and longest-running publication, Utusan Melayu Bhd, finally closes down today due to severe financial constraints. They announced that they could carry...
Despite being one of Malaysia’s longest running publications, and perhaps being the oldest Malay-language publication still in business, Utusan Malaysia and its sister publication, Kosmo, will...