Recently, an underprivileged Chinese boy in Subang had lost his mother and had to endure financial difficulties while managing her funeral proceedings. Despite his hardships, the...
A total of 17,403 livestock and pets were lost during the recent floods in Pahang in which an estimated loss of over RM1.4 million were recorded...
Many items within the homes of flood victims were destroyed. From electronics to furniture, some things may take a long time to replace. Thankfully, the Ministry...
Update: Aini’s mum has been found! Thank you so much to everyone who assisted in reuniting her with her mother. Every now and again, social...
It’s stories like this that touch our hearts. Recently a heartwarming Facebook post by a Malaysian named Traj went viral by garnering more than 3,600 reactions...
Did you know when your cat strays too far from home and becomes lost, you can actually ask a stray cat for help to locate your...
The Melaka Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Sulaiman Md Ali, has taken steps towards dissolving the State Legislative Assembly (DUN) yesterday (4 October), in an effort to...
It is truly unfortunate that there are so many simple pleasures in life that the disabled community cannot enjoy, one of which is cycling. According to...
You’ve double checked your retainer cause, you’ve triple checked your handbag and quadruple times checked your mouth, it is simply tome to face facts you’ve just...
A businessman who assaulted a security guard at a condominium in Ipoh last year has been charged with murder after the victim passed away on 27...
A Malaysian man, Meor Mohammad Noriman, is searching for the person who took his brother’s iPhone 11 that was lost in an accident at Tambun. He...
While the country came to a minor standstill last week after the YDPA essentially called out the Perikatan Nasional government for its confusing statement on the...
Don’t try this at home, guys. A man from the Jiangsu Province of East China inserted a live eel into his rectum from his anus in...
UPDATE: The couple is overwhelmed by the magnitude of assistance that was offered to them. While they express their gratitude to the public for the kindness,...
This is a submission from an ongoing initiative by WORLD OF BUZZ to help those in need during the pandemic. If you would like to be...
A Digital Content Producer got sacked from her job after calling in sick to attend the England vs Denmark Euro 2020 semi-final. According to The Telegraph,...