Out of fear of being scolded by his wife for spending his entire month’s salary, including lending some to a female friend, a security guard decided...
In a shocking video that circulating Malaysian social media, a 13-year-old boy tried to stab a Grab driver before running away when he realised his actions....
It’s always wise to return borrowed money as soon as you can. In a Facebook post Ricebowl铁饭网-解决您的求职难题, an anonymous man described his annoyance at a senior...
Let’s face it, we’ve all lent money to a friend and never saw a penny back. While some of us have decided to let it go,...
Borrowing money has always been a challenging thing to do especially if you’re on a tight budget. Many people would choose not to lend their friends...
While enforcement officers have bad reputations due to the corrupt bad eggs, there are those who still work in service of the general public. And when...
A man in Sarawak mistakenly fell victim to an unlicensed loan shark (also known as an Ah Long) after his car was splashed with red paint....
“You guys can really be actors,” Uncle Kentang said. Once again, some people are trying to take advantage of the kindness shown by generous individuals by...
Police are advising the public to check thoroughly when they receive messages from friends who allegedly want to borrow money via the WhatsApp application. Recently, authorities...
We have all been there – at a time where friends would approach us for small loans. We also know getting our money repaid back is...
What’s a loan? A loan is a sum of money that’s borrowed for certain purposes and is RETURNED. It’s a simple concept yet many fail to...
A Malaysian woman, who only wishes to be identified as Lee, might’ve gotten herself into big trouble when she not only lent a Tinder match RM9,000,...
Loaning your car to your friends and family is something that you should seriously consider before agreeing to do so because if anything happens, you don’t...
Violence is never an answer to your problems! A 31-year-old man had lent his girlfriend’s father RM30,000 two years ago in 2017. Now in 2019, he...
I guess this guy really isn’t afraid of getting arrested! It was just last Saturday (4 May) that a guy, who wishes to be identified as...
The saying “honesty is the best policy” has been around for a long time but this struggling father just realised how true it was when his...