Often times, the promotion of Malaysia revolves around Malay, Chinese and Indian cultures, considering the fact that they are Malaysia’s top three major ethnicities. Unfortunately, that...
It is best for us to have our work checked by multiple people as sometimes, even the keenest eyes cannot spot a glaring mistake. It’s even...
Lol! Well this claim is quite a laugh! A popular media brand from the US, Tastemade Travel released a video recently, saying that Singaporeans are chewing...
Sometimes, it does not take much to try and save the environment. From using metal straws to tapau-ing with your own container, these small steps can...
Racism today is easier to recognise, but most Malaysians do not always see how slurs and hate speech affects the everyday lives of others. Despite people...
It’s known that the Malaysian football team has some of the strongest fans. As our team climbs up the rankings, we’ve never failed to be with them every...
The crispy rendang debate has been flaring up ever since MasterChef’s UK judge, John Torode, commented that the chicken rendang cooked by contestant, Zaleha, was not...
Singapore is much like Malaysia in terms of being a multiracial, multicultural and multi-religion. That would mean on Fridays, the Muslims have their special weekly prayers...
Just recently, the 2016 Index of Ignorance by Ipsos MORI was released and 40 of the countries involved were arranged from the most to the least...
Disclaimer: Image used is for visualization purposes only When a person’s life is at stake, it’s common sense to move quick so that person may be...
We have all eaten outside before and we’ve all had our fair share of bad experiences with restaurants. Similarly a number of bad customers for the restaurant...