The swift action of the public managed to save a man who wanted to jump from the third floor of a building in Kubota Sentral. In...
Police discovered that a 16-year-old girl was being raped by her own father after they caught her breaching the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO). According to...
All images were provided to WORLD OF BUZZ. 2020 has not been easy on us. The harsh reality is – the pandemic has taken a lot...
A Malaysian man working in Singapore has passed away after jumping from the eighth floor of an apartment there. The man in his 30s is believed to...
Nearly half a million people in the country are found to be experiencing symptoms of stress or depression, according to the 2019 National Health and Morbidity...
In the middle of this Covid-19 pandemic, social enterprise HumanKind launched a helpline specifically for children. The helpline offers a place for children to talk about...
Being on social media and having a large following does not mean that you are exempted from the law. About 11 months ago, the Ministry of...
The Covid-19 pandemic has taken a toll on a lot of us whether its physically, emotionally or even mentally. More than the general public, the ones...
Coffee does wonders. In a recent study by Harvard School of Public Health, it has been said that drinking several cups of coffee daily can reduce...
As a general rule, people always remember to lock their car doors, in an effort to reduce vehicle burglary and generally stop weird people from entering...
From putting out fires to saving your cats from the roof, there’s not much that our heroic abang bomba can’t do. In any given situation, these...
Elon Musk is one diversely talented man. After all, he went from building cars that run on clean energy and exploring space to trying to create...
New UK research has found eating a diet that includes probiotic foods, or a combination of both probiotic and prebiotic foods, may help ease depression and...
One of the early symptoms of Covid-19 is losing your sense of smell. While some thankfully recover soon after they’ve contracted the virus, others don’t. Have...
A couple that dances together, stays together! And this couple’s dancing videos will put a smile on your face. 45-year-old Peng Xiao Ying and her 49-year-old...
With the recent Miss Malaysia 2017 fiasco on how she said that African-Americans in the USA chose to be born black and they should take the...