Myvi has broken the internet once again! We all have heard at least a story or two about incidents revolving around the infamous Myvi. The incidents...
Over the weekend, Malaysians were outraged when a video of a car being driven while two children were sitting on top of the boot surfaced on...
Sometimes, people do the most dangerous things in desperate times. A woman was taken into custody in Guangzhou, China when she stopped a train from moving...
OMG, this is sad! First, we learnt that the numbers of our Malayan tigers are slowly diminishing; today, we found out that orangutan is facing the...
Malaysia is known to be home to all kinds of animals, whether they fly high in the sky, make homes deep in the ground or find...
Most of us have seen plastic mineral bottles, sweet wrappers, junk food packets and a lot more in the streets when we’re driving or walking. The...
Here’s your daily boba news if you haven’t heard enough of it yet. Someone died while enjoying a cup of boba in China. Yes, you read...
Imagine going out for a ride on your motorcycle, only for a tiger to chase you down out of nowhere. Yikes! Well, believe us when we...
A 19-year-old girl has been killed after the theme park ride that she was on broke apart mid-air before crashing down to the ground. The horrific...
Strange things happen every day, but this particular incident leaves us still confused. A 28-year-old man was witnessed to be roaming around the streets with only...
One of the really bad social problems we have in Malaysia is the “rempits”. They are a huge nuisance because they not only pose a danger...
The multitude of escalator horror stories will always serve as a reminder to us that we should be careful when using them. However, it looks like...
Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations have started on June 5 and the Muslim community in Malaysia have been enjoying the past few days of festivities. However, it...
Just when you thought Abang Botak’s 12-month jail sentence would have taught everyone a lesson on road rage, Malaysian drivers strike again. Malaysia’s latest road bullying...
It’s become almost like a trend for young adults to be broke (though not really, we never chose the broke life, the broke life chose us),...
This challenge was created a few years ago but has recently surfaced on the Internet again. Now, many young people are itching to try because it...