Yes ladies, you heard that correctly. If you needed an excuse to go on that vacation you’ve been planning with your girlfriends, we just gave you one with this study!
As we approach the year end, many are planning on jet-setting off on holidays with their significant others and families. However, social-personality psychologist, Dr. William Chopik, suggests that spending time with your gal pals might be just what you need instead as friendships “are a way to derive all the benefits of being in a relationship with someone without the enormity of it.”
He goes on to explain how taking time out to hang with your friends can generally boost happiness levels due to the social connections that are being formed during this process.
And yes, that’s COMPLETELY different from “spending time” with your loved ones on screen or over the phone. When you physically are around people you care about the psychologist says:
“You can sit down, look them in the eye, have a true back-and-forth and read each other’s body language.”
“They can see you and your facial expressions. You’re emotionally responding to things and you can pick up on their emotions. You don’t always get that through a phone call.”
In fact, a recent study from Harvard proves that those who spend time with their friends are “happier, have fewer health problems, and live longer”.
But that’s not all. Going away on a trip with friends will reportedly bring about LONG TERM health benefits because “social connections like these not only give pleasure, they also influence our long-term health in ways every bit as powerful as adequate sleep, a good diet and not smoking.”
So if you’ve been feeling down lately and are in dire need of a good pick-me-up, gather your girl squad and book your vacays today! (It’s for health purposes).