A very creative guy thought it would be cool to use emojis instead of words to talk to his Tinder matches. Surprisingly, it works! We need...
After finishing his final online social psychology paper, Shahin Rafikian, a rising junior at the University of Maryland, noticed the extra credit question. WHAT KIND OF...
If you’re a regular at New York coffee shop, Irving Farm Coffee Roasters, you’d be surprised when the barista serves up your coffee au naturel. In April,...
Last Saturday night, news of Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzmán escaping a maximum security prison got everyone bewildered. I mean, dude, MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISON! If...
UNIQuickie perhaps? A video of a couple doing it in Beijing’s shopping mall was leaked in Wechat and Weibo on Tuesday attracting millions of views. However, by...
Tian Hao, a chinese hairdresser from Xi’an, Shanxi Province uses a never-heard-before method of cutting and styling hair: he would have his eyes shut when cutting them....
What could be better than durian? A hot vendor that is selling it! We all know durians are heaty but damn, this hunk is making me wet (from sweat mind...
11th July, LOWYAT – A gang of 7 people started a fight (or in a more Malaysian term “cari gaduh”) wreaked chaos in Lowyat’s OPPO store. Apparently...
If you had access to more money than you can ever spend, what would you do with it? Fortunately for one lady, she’ll be having 99...
The internet is at it again. It’s no longer celebrities people fawn over, but your butcher and stall vendors in the market! Maybe it’s the disbelief people get...