Pranking orders isn’t some harmless joke as it can lead to serious consequences that might not be immediately obvious. This not only wastes food but also disrupts operations and can cause financial losses for businesses.
PichaEats took to their Facebook page to share an upsetting update about a recent encounter that reportedly had a significant impact on their time, effort, and staff.

For illustration purposes only
“We received a scam order”
In their post, they explained how they recently received a prank or scam order for a “university”, supposedly for a 500-person event scheduled for today.
They went on to describe how this prank order affected all 15 of their staff members, as they had already purchased the ingredients for the event meals.
“Apparently, we’ve been scammed and 15 Picha Chefs were badly affected as they’ve purchased the ingredients to prepare meals for the aforementioned ‘event’.”

For illustration purposes only
They’re opening orders!
In response to the situation, they’ve decided to open their orders to the public instead of letting the food go to waste. They’re encouraging people to message them directly if they’re interested in ordering, offering 3 different sets from their menu.
“If you need food for today, please send us a direct message.”
To place your orders with PichaEats, you can send them a direct message or simply WhatsApp them at +60126794353.
Pranking food orders should be discouraged because it can have unintended negative impacts on everyone involved. It could seriously affect the people preparing the food, who invest their time, effort, and resources.
Also read: Restaurateur Falls Victim To A Prank Order, Reserves Seat For 60 Customers But Were No-Shows