Pictures of people posing next to majestic tigers is almost always something insta-worthy.
Though the animals may seem harmless, or well-trained, the animals that you see chilling out in the pictures are in fact treated with cruelty.

Source: worldanimalprotection
Elephant rides, tiger selfies, lion walks and even dancing dolphins are CRUEL!
Taking to twitter, Malaysian artist Maya Karin speaks out against animal cruelty calling for the public to not support the tiger selfie industry.
This is what I mentioned before. Happy sangat dapat ambik gambar dengan haiwan dibius setengah mati. Just don’t guys, please just don’t.
— Maya Karin (@maya_karin) December 23, 2018
In her tweet she wrote,
“This is what I mentioned before. Are you ‘happy’ taking pictures with animals sedated to death? Just don’t guys, please just don’t”
Maya Karin’s response came after retweeting a one-minute video showing how a lion was forced to be placed in upright position for a picture perfect pose with a tourist.

Source: wildlifeanimalprotection
If you think that this remote case is only happening within this region alone, then think again!
What’s more shocking is the fact that keeping animal in captivity and making them a tourist destination is a worldwide phenomenon.
According to research conducted by World Animal Protection in 2014, up to 550,000 wild animals are currently enduring lifetimes of suffering at tourist entertainment venues globally.
One netizen urged the public to not make elephant rides as part of their itinerary the next time they go on holiday.

Source: wildlifeanimalprotection
“Please don’t ever ride elephants. Their back bones can’t take it. You’re hurting them.”
“Lord knows in they’re even fed or cared for well enough. Much less carry heavy loads of tourists all day long.”
Also please don’t ever ride elephants. Their back bones can’t take it. You’re hurting them. Lord knows if they’re even fed and care for well enough. Much less carry heavy loads of tourists all day long :((
— Rose Aldrage (@rose_aldrage) December 23, 2018
Another laments on the fact that the lion is heavily sedated.

Source: National Geographic
“It looks like the lion is going to die. This is not good, we can’t treat animals like that. They belong in the wild.”
dibius setengah mati? It looks like the lion going to die..omg. this is not good, we can't treat animals like that. They belong to the wild. ?
— ?★Ëldrédã★? (@ILoveChristmasy) December 24, 2018
With many moving towards banning such attractions, it is also up to us as prospecting tourists to not support the industry.
Be real people, lions do not spontaneously pose for selfies!
Also read: Restaurant Owner Refuses to Give Leftovers & Bones to Animal NGO Because Dogs Are Haram