After ‘flood tourism‘ became a real thing in Kelantan, many urged Malaysians to stop treating the floods like a sort of water festival as many were wading and playing in the waters, including children.
Kelantan Police Chief, Datuk Mohd Yusoff Mamat reminded the public to prioritise their safety and not turn this flood disaster into a ‘party’. At the same time, KKM warned people of waterborne diseases such as leptospirosis, which comes from rat urine contaminating floodwaters.
They found something in her bladder
Now, a clinic in Kelantan is sharing a shocking incident which stemmed from a 1-year-old girl playing in floodwaters, and it’s not for the faint-hearted.
Klinik Safwa Pasir Tumboh took to their TikTok account to share how a leech had swum into the toddler’s body and caused her to bleed from the bladder.
They wrote, “Always be vigilant during flood season, especially for small children.”
In their post, they explained that the toddler was brought to the clinic after her diapers were found to be full of blood. When the clinic checked for external injuries, they found nothing.
When they did a scan to look internally, that’s when they found the leech.
“Out of a sense of emergency, we did a scan of her bladder and saw something moving. A leech had indeed entered (her body) up until (her bladder),”
“The reason for this is that the child was playing in floodwaters without a diaper on. So, parents should be careful in monitoring their children during this flood season,” they added.
In the comment section of their post, the clinic clarified that their doctor conducted ‘bladder flushing’ with salt water to weaken and successfully remove the leech.
You can check out their post here:
@safwapasirtumboh Sentiasa berwaspada ketika musim banjir terutama utk anak-anak kecil. ? #prayforpantaitimur #klinikmesrawanitadankanak #kamisediamembantu #vaksinkanakkanak
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